Because of your financial support, we are accumulating the capital funding needed so the Rail Trail inter-jurisdictional partners can continue to apply for provincial and federal grants to start building the trail – one step at a time.
There are plenty of ways you can champion the rail trail – and here is how to get your name on this list.
Donor list last updated March 20th, 2023
Suzanne Ackerman
Kevin Acton
David Aitken
Janet Aitken
Corrie Alexander
Helene Amber
Sharon Anderson
Askew’s Foods
Claire Askew
Benett Assman
Bowen Assman
Kenedy Assman
Maureen Assman
Darryl Auten
Brian Ayotte
Rod Bailey
Gary & Shaunene Beales
Roger and Nan (Prittie) Beardmore
Lorraine Beaudoin
Jim and Marcia Beckner
Suzy Beckner
Leslie Beleski
Fleur Beleski
BFM Holdings Ltd.
Raymond Black
Warren Blair
Heather Blakeborough
Jacqueline Bland
Erasmus Bonthuys
L+D Bouwmeester
Edward Brecknell
Terry & Linda Buker
Hetty Burt
H and S Byl Family
Neil Bylsma
Cathy Caldwell
David Caldwell
Canoe Forest Products
Janet Cardiff
Sylvia Carpenter
Blaine Carson
Celebrate Shuswap Society
Anne Champion
Cherith Chan
Rod Charlebois
Marilyn Cole
Mary Colledel
Christopher Coppin
Don Couch
Paul and Virginia Cox
Cross Canada Cycle Tour Society
Dave and Pat Danforth
Derek, Kerstin, Evan and Sumi dog Daudrich
Christine Davies
Alex de Chantal
Denis Delisle
Ana Dennier
Cindy Derkaz
Shelley Desautels
Danusia Donoff
Rodney Drennan
Kari Dukeshine
Michelle Easterbrook
Dan and Karen Effa
George Elamatha
Chad Eliason
Rick and Sue Ernst
Lynne Eshpeter
Carolyn Farris
Eric Fettterly
Judith Fitzpatrick
Carl Flatman
Donna Flatman
Terrence Fletcher
Fortis BC
George & Charmaine Frame
Matthew Franks
Dev Fraser
Ethel & Gerald Freeman
Kaylee Garnett
Gregory Garrish
Donald Garrish
Marie-Eve Gauthier-Duvall
Michael Gavel
Rod Gilmer
Jonathan Goldman
Olivia Goldman
Wendy Goldman
Susan Goodison
Lila Gray
Cathy Hall-Patch
Seona Halsey
Jordan Hamilton
Timothy Helle
John and Joyce Henderson
Rick Hirtle
Doug & Tara Hlina
Paul Hood
Malcolm Holbrook
Donald Howieson Legal Services
Ineke Hughes
Dick Humphries
Lorne Hunter
Pat Hutchins
Rudi Ingenhorst
Laura Jameson
Peggy Johnson
Robin Johnston
Patti Kassa
Hermann Kerr
Lucille Ketemer
Gabriele Klein
Jens-Uwe Kloecking
Marcia Kloecking
Dorothy (Dot) Kohler
Bent Kristensen
Kit and Albert Lambert
Garry & Mary Landers
Cameron LaValley
Douglas & Karen LaValley
Tim Lavery
Jacinthe Lavoie
Peter Lawless
Philip Lawson
Brent Layden
Catherine Lee
Kim Lefevre
Belinda Leonhardt
Steven Leonhardt
Ritchie Leslie
Sylvia Lindgren
Judy Linkletter
Patrick Logelin
Tracy Lundberg-Schimpf
Laura MacDonald
Maureen MacDonald
John MacGowan
Charles MacLennan
Kira Makela
Eleanor Marshall
Rhona Martin
Shawna Mattson
Snoopy & Ginger, D&R Maw family
Andree Maxwell
Greg McCune
Connie McDonald
Margie McEwen
Phil McIntyre-Paul
Scott McKee
Daphne McKenzie
Don McLaughlin
Chris McMahen
Stephen McOrmond – Shuswap Denture Clinic
Sharon Melanson
Mike Melin
Brenda Melnychuk
Marcia Mews
Chris Miller
Kerry Miller
Debra Mills
Joan Mitchell
Vivian Morris
Doris Muhs
Russel Mussio
Ron Neden
Robert Nichols
Nancy Nielsen
Lisa Nikmo
Marianne Nikmo
Arthur Norlin
John Norlin
Ronald O’Genski
Linda Ostafichuk
Okanagan Shuswap Century Ride
Roger Parenteau
Betty Parsons
Wayne Pierce
Jodi Pierce
Raymond Pollard
Barbara Raynor
Sylvia Repnow
Amadeus Robinson
Paul and Deirdre Robinson
Rotary Club of Salmon Arm
Peter Rotzetter
James Bruce Runciman
Ciel Sander
Lisa Scharf
Mary Scheidegger
Ulli Schoene
Ken Schultis
Rod Schumacher
Johannes Schneider
Ralph Segreto
Andrew Sellars
Audrey Sellars
John Shapter
Pat Shea
Alan Shipmaker
Bill Smith
Johanna Spalteholz
Colin Spence
Wayne Spencer
Paul Stanton
Heather Stewart
Deb Stowell
Telus Corporation
Dean Temme
Sean Templeton
Roy Teto
Tim Thompson
Mary Thurber
Don & Dorothy Titus
Toliver Advertising and Design Inc.
Judith Trueman
Lisa Turnbull
Trails Society of BC
Dave Van Heck
Ava Wagner & Anna Melvin
Reg Walters
Finn Weston
What the Woof Pet Supplies
Nadia Widmer
Marnie & Paul Williamson
Paul & Marnie Williamson/Plysiuk
Susan Willms
David Witt
Marcia Woods
Cam Wright
James Wright
Jim Wright
Sarah Yerhoff
Elayna Young
Amanda Zais

Together, with your help, we are building a world-class rail trail corridor and investing in healthier communities, resilient economies, and active lifestyles for generations to come.